The Mellunmäki of the future is attractive in many ways
The Mellunpuisto area is a unique example of a bold solution that is leading the way in renewal through supplementary construction. The new area will emerge next to the Mellunmäki metro station. It will be a vibrant, pleasant and multifaceted urban block with excellent transport connections, complementing the centre of Mellunmäki.
Mellunmäki is part of Mellunkylä, the largest region of Helsinki in terms of population. Located in eastern Helsinki, Mellunkylä also comprises Kivikko, Vesala, Kontula and Kurkimäki. In terms of population, Mellunkylä is currently equal to a medium-sized Finnish town, and its growth continues. It is estimated that Mellunkylä will have more than 41,000 residents in 2027.
Mellunpuisto provides a model for supplementary construction
The unique Mellunpuisto area is expected to be completed by the end of this decade, but the time frame for urban renewal in Mellunkylä is 15 years. The renewal includes both long-term plans and more immediate measures such as park restoration.
In the future, Mellunkylä and its areas, such as Mellunpuisto, will attract people at different stages of life and in different life situations – families with children, young people and elderly people.
“This district will be attractive in many ways in the future. Some people will be drawn to its evolving centre with high-rises and a vibrant cultural life, while others will be attracted by its areas with single-family houses and outdoor recreation opportunities,” says Ritva Tanner, Project Director for Mellunkylä and Vartiokylä, Helsinki City Executive Office.
Once completed, Mellunpuisto will be known for high-quality living, lush park routes, extensive green areas, smooth transport and a diverse range of services.
In relation to the size of the area, Mellunpuisto is one of the largest renewal projects in supplementary construction in Finland. It will also affect the future image of the district.
“Construction also creates added value for the surrounding area. Public and private services will increase when the number of residents grows. Mellunmäki has the potential to improve the image of eastern Helsinki as a whole,” says Tanner.
Renewal through cooperation
The urban renewal of Mellunkylä began in 2020. The goal is to create a vibrant, pleasant and safe district that attracts new residents and provides improved services.
All divisions of the City of Helsinki are involved in the renewal. The local residents are also contributing.
“We use online surveys and resident events to identify residents’ wishes. We are also listening closely to the ideas of the local action group to better understand the residents’ needs,” Tanner explains.